Friday, March 9, 2012

Stephen Anderson's Twitter Plea To 300

Stephen Anderson’s appeal to fans to help boost his follower count on Twitter appeared to pay off on Thursday as the number finally hit the half way point at 250. The talk show host has been on a campaign to get his number of followers over 300, offering to be a part of team follow back and reaching out to well-known names in the attempt to boost the count. And while many responded to his call, others began a counter campaign to try and convince those already following the host of BTR’s Round The Bases to switch sides, managing to knock enough followers off to bring the numbers back to 242 within hours of the original goal being reached.

Anderson’s campaign to boost his followers saw him reach out to friends and fans on Twitter in the hopes of accessing their fan base:

"Hey - @craig_in_hd can you help me reach #Club300 #BritInTexas"

Anderson as of Friday needs just 50 followers to reach his goal of 300.

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